Sunday, 25 October 2015


Do you ever wonder what your life looks like from the outside?  How people judge your success by the education you have, the job you obtain or the places you've traveled? If you haven't been to school, you're doomed to fail in life, and if you don't have the perfect job now, you're stuck at your current job forever, and if you haven't explored the world, well - you've missed your opportunity.

There is some truth in the previous statements, but they cut off the mystery God has for your life, and the amazing potential you have as a human being. You are capable of so much more than you know. But even more, we need to give God the pen, and allow Him to be the author he was meant to be.

After being in Sydney for one whole week now, I've realized in order to allow myself to completely rely on God, I need to allow Him to take control of the little things in my life. If you know me well, you're probably fully aware that I like to spend very little money. Not for lack of funds, but I figure the less I spend now, the further it will stretch. I've decided after living in this breath-takingly beautiful, expensive country for 8 days, that it's time to do some re-evaluating. In all reality, I have set aside money for this trip of a lifetime, but I think it's time I let God step in and decides where, when, how and how much I spend. 

After meeting many people this past week, I have come across various lifestyles, but one that particularly stood out to me. He has little to no expenses, proudly lives in his personally decked-out van and eats whatever God provides - but that's just it: it's not for lack of money, but he trusts that God will take care of all his needs. I hardly know him, but his friends speak so highly of him, that you can't help but be intrigued. 

His life is a real testament to his relationship with God (by the sounds of it, anyways). I want my life to reflect my love for God, and the willingness to do His will for my life. 

Although you may not be aware, others can be so impacted by the simple ways you trust God. Trust is one of the most beautiful things you can give another. 

Going to the beach to do some snorkelling!

Have a beautiful day!


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