Omigoodness. So we arrived here in Sydney on Sunday morning, October 18th, at 8:25am. My friend Maegan picked us up from the airport and brought us to her place where we'll reside for about a week. During the first day, Maegan took us for a walk around her suburb - Jennine and I were gawking around asking Maegan a billion questions. Their trees and flowers look so perfect they almost look fake, they have terracotta brick shingles on all the houses, they have VEGEMITE (it's pretty gross, I would't recommend trying it...), you have to switch on the electrical outlets, their tax is included and you don't tip! BYO means you can bring your own alcohol to specified restaurants, but often they will charge you. It's all so thrilling.
The Queen Victoria Builbing |
On Monday, we decided to go to the heart of the city in Sydney. Stepping out of the train station, we were in a state of wonder and awe, as we realised this was actually reality. These asian tourist asked if we would take a picture of them, of course we agreed, then realised they meant they wanted a picture WITH us... pretty sure they thought we were real, authentic Australians...
View of the harbour from the bridge. |
We discovered the Queen Victoria Building, built in 1898, is a mall with really high class shops. We were heading to the harbour, but clearly had "tourist" taped on of foreheads, cause random people would stop and ask if we needed directions (everyone has been so friendly and helpful!). After being pointed in the right direction, we caught glimpse of the majestic white sales of the Opera House, and realised this was real life, that we were actually in Sydney, Australia and long awaited dream was unfolding before me. We ended up walking across the Sydney Harbour Bridge to get a epic view of the whole harbour. Super beautiful walk! On the other side we stopped for a bite to eat and got some mini pies (pies are so popular here! Them Aussies really like their pies!)
Me and Jennine in front of the Opera House! |
Went up close to the Opera House after to get a closer look, then headed to the Royal Botanical Gardens right in behind.
We went to Maegan and her friends play 'footy' aka: Australian Football! Jennine and I were their cheerleaders. Super cool sport, I definitely wanna learn how play!
Later on, Maegan took us to Messina, this RIDICULOUSLY delicious gelato parlour, with crazy concoctions. Best thing thats ever touched my tongue. As we licked away, we took a stroll through the Surrey Hills, another super cute suburb with awesome little cafes and shops boardering the streets.
Tuesday Jennine and I took to Bondi Beach! Picture perfect postcard. Got tossed about in the waves pretty good. The smooth white sand underneath my toes just topped it all off. We couldn't get enough, so we'll definitely be back.
Maegan has introduced us to her community of friends, some of which we spent the evening hanging out with, they made us chicken curry for dinner, then we played some games like charades...with a twist.
Wednesday was a more chill day of running some errands, but Jennine and I managed to fit in 6 games of Catan. We've been keeping track of our wins, right now we're tied at 6 wins each. Once Maegan went home, we went for dinner at Chris and Jess', a recently married couple who are now on my list of favourite people. They are hilarious, obsessed with their little pet fishies, and turtle, Cornelius, and they're coming to Canada next year!! :) :) had many laughs, and compared the dangerous wildlife of each of our countries.
We've been here for 4 days, but the amount of fun, excitement and adventure that has already occurred should not be humanly possible. I love it here, and I feel so at home (Maegan definitely gets props for that).
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