Thursday 28 January 2016


Things I love Thursday.

It's time to bring it back. Back in the day, one of my oldest and closest friends wrote a blog where often on Thursdays she wrote a list of her favourite things in that day. Aside from it being a fun way to remember and thank God for all things we're blessed with, I'm also hoping she will start up her blog again, but maybe she just needs to reminisce a little.

This ones for you, Hank.

Skype dates. Catching up with friends and family on the other side of the world.

God. Prayer. Faith.

My Oma. What a beautiful, holy lady. She passed away today while my family said the rosary and held her hand. May her soul rest in peace.

Running. Something I often take for granted. What's even better, running outside in January and not having your lungs freeze.

Shania Twain.

Getting lost then finding my way home. It's becoming a hobby. That moment when you have no idea where you are, slightly nerve wracking. Then the moment you recognize something familiar, pure excitement.

Making bland food taste good. Had a bunch of leftover rice so I made rice pudding!

Water. My favourite beverage. Without it few other bevvys would exist.

Having no agenda. So much possibility. This was my entire day.  And it was epic.

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