I know, it's been ages since I've posted. It's not that I've had a lack of things to say, just a lack of creative juices to form those thoughts and feelings into sentences. So I figured I'd ease back into it for my first post of the year, might as well have some fun. I used to love doing questionnaires in high school, so it's time for a throwback!
This one is called "Fun with Fours"
Four names I go by:
1. Silky Smooth
2. Silks
3. Silky Lady
4. Silken
Four places I've lived
1. Kamloops
2. Saskatoon
3. Sydney, Australia
4. Kelowna
Four things I love to watch on TV (or Netflix)
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Suits
4. Prison Break
Four places I've visited:
1. Europe
2. Domimican Republic
3. Mexico
4. Australia
Four things I love to eat:
1. Quesadillas, fajitas and anything Mexican
2. Butter chicken/curry!
3. Sushi
4. Chicken stirfry
Four favorite drinks:
1. Water
2. Chocolate Milk
3. Earl Grey Tea
4. Pina Coladas
Four places you want to visit:
1. Iceland
2. Fiji
3. Greece
4. Brazil
Four favorite sports:
1. Ultimate
2. Soccer
3. Hockey
4. Mmm... volleyball?
Four things you wish you got to do more of:
1. Travel
2. Snowboard
3. Dance
4. See my friends/family who live far away
Four favorite games:
2. Ticket to Ride
3. Bohnanza
4. Bang!
Four things most people don't know about you:
1. I still have my baby Christmas tree up. Yes, it's February, I know. I like the lights, okay!?
2. I hit ice while driving and plowed down a Crosswalk sign a bit ago...
3. I spontaneously dyed my hair red yesterday.
4. I've watched 12 seasons of Grey's Anatomy in 4 months. I'm not proud of it.
I dare you to do it too! ^_^ Post to your status.
Happy new year! Hope it's been a blast so far!
I've been to every larger venue in the town and this is one of the best. Their menu is small but at least they seem to do what they have on it well. The event halls for rent have a variety of salads and sandwiches, and a fresh daily soup.