Me and Mae at Audley! |
Throughout our first week back in South Sydney, we started our job search. At first it wasn't so bad, but after dropping off nearly 30 resumes in 3 days without even an interview, getting rejected got old pretty fast. It'd definitely the wrong season to be looking for work!
Picnicing at Audley |
Being unemployed had it's perks though, time for more adventures! Pete took Maegan, Jennine and myself to the Audley Weir in the Royal National Park. It was slightly overcast that morning, which was perfect for a day on the water. We rented out a row boat and each took turns
We got the goods :) |
rowing. The pressure was on to preform when you were in the drivers seat. Of course when it came around to my turn, I had to weave through a ton of rocks jussst below or jussst peaking out the surface of the water. Thankfully I didn't bottom out the boat! Everyone was heaps impressed. Saw a couple eels along the way. We got to the end of the creek and scoped out a place to have our picnic lunch. A little later, a couple friends from Wollongong came outta no where! We had opened the event up to everyone, but assumed we were the only ones keen. Guess we were mistaken! We headed back together, they were so much faster than us in their canoe! We noticed a snake swim across the water, then ironically a couple minutes later we went for a
Bartender Pete! |
dip... ha. Jennine wasn't too fond of swimming in the same water as snakes, but somehow hanging with Chris, Jess or Pete - fears are conquered. It's like they have special powers or something.
Once we got back to the car, we decided to grab some snacks and go party at the Simon's house. While we were at the supermarket, I saw Pina Colada Tim Tams, and went on about how we'd been trying to locate a Pina Colada Cocktail since we'd arrived in Australia, but decided they just don't exist here. So Pete, being super spontaneous, was like "why don't we just make them!", before I knew it he was looking up a recipe and at the liquor store buying Malibu rum. We all dispersed throughout the store looking for the necessary ingredients.
We may have been a little excited... |
Upon arriving to Pete's house, much to our surprise and delight, we found Jess in the living room. And so it began. We listened to the Pina Colada song (Escape by Rupert Holmes) on repeat, at least 8 times. What better thing to do on a rainy day than sit inside with some of your best mates playing Wizard, sipping on Pina Coladas! Best.
Jennine and I headed over to Maegan's in the evening for some quality girl time. Watched a movie and had dinner. The fun times just keep coming. In the documentary we watched (Twinsters), they said "The great is the enemy of the good." Which brought me to ponder my life; here in Australia and back home. We have been having the
time of our lives over the past few months, with so many GREAT experiences, though knowing my reality might not be quite as exuberant back home, I wouldn't trade this trip for anything. Thus, I'll just bask in the beauty of my current life as an honorary Mortdalian.
Much love and prayers!
<3 Miss Silks
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