You're probably wondering what the heck that word is. Refreakedouttedness: also known as 'wonder and awe', taking delight in things seemingly normal, things we take for granted everyday. For example: the internet. We use it effortlessly day after day. If you're stumped with a question, 'Google' it. Having trouble remembering what day your best friends birthday is? Facebook stalk them. Time to pay your bills? Online banking is there for you 24/7. The internet is INSANE. I can talk with my famjam on the other side of the world and see their faces (for free!). Technology is miraculous, but we check our e-mails multiple times a day without giving a thought to how bizarre the internet is. Yeah, you can take a second to be refreakedout!
I was first introduced to the term 'refreakedouttedness' by Chris Stefanick. God's creation is so beautiful, articulate and mind-blowing, and we should take more time to revel in it.
I often look at the Canadian Rocky Mountains and gawk a how incredibly majestic they are. Same goes for the waves of the ocean that so simply toss me about, like I'm weightless. This term is a reoccurring thought in my mind, but since being in Australia, it's more like 'Freakedouttedness', since I'm seeing everything here for the first time. God is incomprehensible. It's not humanly possible to understand Him entirely. More and more His creation hits me, whether its a vibrant, purple Jackaranda or a black and white, long-beaked Ibis (sorry, I'll need to get pictures.... -> Google it!), God likes color and definitely has a sense of humour!
Take some time to 'stop and smell the roses!'
Currently on a train, headed to the Gold Coast! Soooo excited!
God bless ! Love and prayers!
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